South Sudan: strength in fragility

A fracture in the fracture rooted in British colonization in Central Africa. It is the story of South Sudan that, after declaring independence in 2011, is now facing an armed conflict that began on December 15, 2013, which over the years has not stopped getting worse. The figures speak of a situation out of control in a State that has literally failed: 1 million 792,000 refugees across borders , 2 million displaced in the country, over 5 million people affected by the food crisis out of a population of 12 million, about 50,000 civilians and military dead in the clashes. It feels like an enormous swamp impossible to get out of because none of the factions wants to reach a compromise with the opponent. Thus, the ethnic and political rivalry between the current President Salva Kiir Mayardit (belonging to the Dinka) and his former deputy Riek Machar (of the ethnicity Nuer) – who does not recognize his legitimacy – holds an entire population hostage, condemning it to absolute misery. The photographer Luca Catalano Gonzaga, focuses on the current crisis that pervades South Sudan, with the project “South Sudan: strength in fragility”, where his attention is on the weakest people of all: those who have physical and mental disabilities and who can not leave their villages, because they are located in critical areas. The Organisation Light for the World operates in these areas, as part of the humanitarian response funded by the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation. (Text by Sebastiano Caputo).

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Witness Image is a non profit organization founded by Luca Catalano Gonzaga, which combines photography and journalism.

Its’ purpose is to narrate the great transformations of our time through a number of projects.


Witness Image aims to document the world disorder of our day through images and their stories such as: the causes and consequences of the war, child abuse, hunger, poverty, injustices, natural and environmental disasters.


Witness Image wants to build a reflection on the right of people to remain themselves in this era of great political and socio-cultural changes.

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