Immigration is not a first class journey but a necessary escape from poverty or war. Looks lost in the void, dead bodies, broken voices. The individual stories of those who decide to sail from the Mediterranean Sea are carved on the faces of 1.250 migrants who in the first weeks of June 2017 were escorted by the Italian Coast Guard crew, in co-operation with the Swedish one, within a European mission. All come from Sub-Saharan Africa (Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Ivory Coast), some have been traveling for days, others for months. Some people even took over a year to reach Europe. The sightings take place a few miles from the Libyan coasts, then the rescue phase begins, at night, in the dark, or during the day, under the burning sun. The dinghies are approached, the migrants transported to the “Ubaldo Diciotti ” ship and arranged on the aft deck, wrapped in thermal blankets. Operators provide the first medical care, especially to women and children, they distribute water bottles keeping an eye to detect to the most dehydrated first, comforting the most frightened ones. A few meters away there are also small boats with men on board who discreetly observe the rescue operations. They could be traffickers pretending to be fishermen. They are often intercepted and checked. Any information can be useful to stop this global trafficking of men, women and children that has turned the Mediterranean into a real cemetery. The photos by Luca Catalano Gonzaga were taken in June 2017 on board the “Ubaldo Diciotti” ship and constitute another significant part of the project “ Sea gives, sea takes” the narration of the collective epic of migrants and a testify to humanity and humility of the crew of the Italian Coast Guard. (text by Sebastiano Caputo ).
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Sighting of a raft full of migrants.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The ship of the Italian Coast Guard approaches a raft full of migrants urging them to keep calm.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Two Series 300 Italian Coast Guard cutters are about to transship approximately 300 migrants from a dinghy coming from the Libyan coast.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Two Series 300 Italian Coast Guard cutters are about to transship approximately 300 migrants from a dinghy coming from the Libyan coast.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Italian Coast Guard rescue operations.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A crowded boat is approached by a small boat of the Italian Coast Guard to begin the transfer process on the ship “Ubaldo Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A crowded boat is approached by a small boat of the Italian Coast Guard to begin the transfer process on the ship “Ubaldo Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The personnel distribute life vests to the migrants in case the dinghy, now floating adrift, would sink before the Italian Coast Guard light vessels arrive.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Children are saved first, than women and lastly men: the difficult moments of the transshipment to the Series 300 Italian Coast Guard cutter.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A young woman is rescued on an Italian Coast Guard Series 300 cutter.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. 150 migrants, the majority of which are Africans, wait to be rescued and transshipped from the dinghy on which they’ve arrived to the Series 300 Italian Coast Guard cutters.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Desperate migrants on a crowded dinghy.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Desperate migrants on a crowded dinghy.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The migrants are transshipped to the Series 300 Italian Coast Guard patrol boat.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Migrants have just been rescued by the Series 300 Coast Guard cutter.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Migrants wrapped in space blankets on their way to Lampedusa on the Series 300 Coast Guard cutter.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Travelling towards Lampedusa on the Series 300 Coast Guard cutter.
A family of migrants from Libya aboard a small boat are transferred to the ship “Ubaldo Diciotti” of the Italian Coast Guard.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A woman in pain during the delicate phases of rescue. There are so many migrants on each boat, that they often dye from asphyxiation.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A woman in pain during the delicate phases of rescue. There are so many migrants on each boat, that they often dye from asphyxiation.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A migrant, exhausted by the odyssey, collapses on the side of the dinghy.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Anita, 25 years old, hugs her friend tight as they being rescued.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. During the approach there are moments of panic caused by the concerned movements of the scared migrants.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Perilous rescue operations of migrants aboard a ruptured dinghy.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Precius, Sandra and Blessing, all three Nigerians ask to be rescued by the crew of Italian Coast Guard
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Two brothers who survived the trip, huddle against each other, waiting to be taken onto the ship “Ubaldo Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. After the transfer of migrants, the boat on which they traveled is burned to prevent smugglers to recover it.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A dinghy with about 450 people on board sank at the first light of dawn. Only 96 people, who remained in water for approximately 5 hours, have been saved.
A dinghy with about 450 people on board sank at the first light of dawn. Only 96 people, who remained in water for approximately 5 hours, have been saved..
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Tomas, who is fleeing from Eritrea, is saved by the Italian Coast Guard. He was on board a dinghy together with other 450 migrants. Only 96 of them have survived. Tomas lost his brother, his wife and 2 children.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Two exhausted shipwrecked men fled from Eritrea pray and cry with happiness for having survived to the tragedy that struck the boat with 450 migrants on board. The survivors are only 96.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. During the counting of deaths from asphyxiation, crushed by the other passengers, we shall ascertain the condition of the bodies. Some may just have passed out, like the woman holding the hand of the man in the white overalls. Some migrants who were in the same boat pick up the dead. It is 7:33 in the morning of the 4th November, 13 miles from the port of Tripoli, there were 149 people aboard this boat, all from sub-Saharan Africa.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. After the transfer of the survivors of the voyage , the tragic body count begins. 11 corpses of women, piled in the middle of the boat, killed by asphyxiation, crushed by the other passengers. It is 7:33 in the morning of the 4th November, 13 miles from the port of Tripoli.There were 149 people aboard this boat, all from sub-Saharan Africa.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. After the transfer of the survivors of the voyage , the tragic body count begins. 11 corpses of women, piled in the middle of the boat, killed by asphyxiation, crushed by the other passengers. It is 7:33 in the morning of the 4th November, 13 miles from the port of Tripoli.There were 149 people aboard this boat, all from sub-Saharan Africa.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The corpse of a woman is transported on the ship for identification.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. After the initial count of the dead, the identification process begins. A woman wrapped in a thermal blanket indicates with the finger the corpse of her friend, who died during the trip.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. This woman had decided to leave Africa with her rosary to reach Europe but her life was stopped in the middle of the sea.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Women are the ones who suffer more than anyone else the travelling conditions. Most of the time they are placed by the other passengers at the centre of the boat, where there is often less air, death by asphyxiation is a very common daily fate.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The sinking of a cargo ship in the Sicilian channel.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The sinking of a cargo ship in the Sicilian channel.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Among the exercises there is also the the figure of the ‘rescue swimming’, essential during rescue operations.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. This dinghy, with approximately 150 migrants on board, has just been identified by the Series 200 Coast Guard vessel.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A dinghy full of men has been located by the Italian Coast Guard, who then starts the rescue operations.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The rescuers from the Italian Coast Guard during a rescue operation.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A tug from a private tanker transfers migrants they rescued to the crew of the Italian Coast Guard.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A small boat from an ONG during rescue.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The Italian Coast Guard rescue swimmer has just risen to board the dinghy to take control and start the approach with the ship “Ubaldo Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A group of migrants are celebrating the arrival of the ship “Ubaldo Diciotti” of the Italian Coast Guard.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. After the transfer to safety of the migrants, the dingy on which they have made their journey is burnt so as to avoid the traffickers to use it again for other voyages.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. In this small boat, 4 men, casually pretend to fish.They are actually members of the organization of illegal smugglers who organizes landings.Their job is to be able to the dinghies, motor and life jackets intact to Lybia and inform their leaders on the outcome of the trip.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A compass in the boat that indicated the path to follow in the sea to the migrants.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The “Rescue swimmer” from the Italian Coast Guard, a specific professional role created for this type of this operation, puts to safety a baby girl during the migrants rescue operations.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Italian Coast Guard ship “Dattilo”. Close studying of the marine charts in order to locate migrants boats.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Staff of the Italian Coast Guard, at work.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Captain of Fregata (CP) Gianluca D’Agostino, Commander of the ship “Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The “Rescue swimmer” from the Italian Coast Guard, a specific professional role created for this type of this operation, puts to safety a baby girl during the migrants rescue operations.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. During the transfer from the boat to the Italian Coast Guard ship, children and women are led to safety before the men.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. This child is about to board the MSF ship. He brings a balloon made from a latex glove used by the rescue personnel.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A man, holding his baby girl, prays, with his hands covering his face, just moments after being rescued.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. An exhausted mother and her child on board of the Italian Coast Guard Series 300 cutter.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. An exhausted mother and her child on board of the Italian Coast Guard Series 300 cutter.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Gloria Isaac (Nigeria) sleeps on board the “Ubaldo Diciotti” ship, as she holds her baby girl.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Rose, 19 years old, started her journey from Nigeria and was saved after an 8 hour journey in a dinghy.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Isha Turay, 20 years old, left Sierra Leone. She is emotionally drained, as she just ends an odyssey in the sea which lasted about 10 hours, on a dinghy with other 160 people.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. An African woman carries on her face the signs of a beating occurred during the journey.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. An African woman carries on her face the signs of a beating occurred during the journey.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A Libyan family with 7 children travelled on a small boat of fifteen people. The father taught at the University of Tripoli but was not paid for two years, so he chose to emigrate to Norway where his sister is already living.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A little girl in the bow of the ship “Diciotti” among exhausted migrants, just rescued.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A grieving mother hugs her daughter while wrapped in a woollen blanket , aboard the ship “Ubaldo Diciotti” of the Italian Coast Guard.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Two brothers huddle on the ground to warm up wrapped in a woolen blanket.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Migrants exhausted from the crossing on the Italian Coast Guard cutter.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Injured on her leg ,a young woman being literally lifted and helped to move by an Italian Coast Guard sailor.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The heat is unbearable, reaching almost 40 degree. The crew and healthcare operators spray fresh water on the migrants still crunched together on the dinghy.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The heat is unbearable, reaching almost 40 degree. The crew and healthcare operators spray fresh water on the migrants still crunched together on the dinghy.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The heat is unbearable, reaching almost 40 degree. The crew and healthcare operators spray fresh water on the migrants still crunched together on the dinghy.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Migrants are arranged in rows, wrapped in thermal blankets. A woman with identification number 38, a Christian, prays with her eyes closed.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. An exhausted young migrant slumps to the ground wrapped in a thermal blanket.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Mizani, 3 months old, sleeps inside a fruit crate aboard the “Ubaldo Diciotti” ship from the Italian Coast Guard, wrapped in a thermal blanket.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Migrants get warm under space blankets on the deck of the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Migrants get warm under space blankets on the deck of the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Portrait of a migrant man warmed up by a space blanket on the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The flight deck of the “Ubaldo Diciotti” ship from the Italian Coast Guard carries 1.250 migrants all coming from Sub-Saharian Africa (Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Sudan, the Republic of Congo, Somalia and the Ivory Coast).
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A man is photographed to be identified on the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”. The migrants who have just boarded the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti” undergo a medical examination in order to avoid the spread of contagious diseases.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A man is photographed to be identified on the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”. The migrants who have just boarded the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti” undergo a medical examination in order to avoid the spread of contagious diseases.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. During the delicate phase of emergency medical transport, the crew of the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti” is always ready to intervene in case of fire or mid-air collision.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. The crew of the Italian Coast Guard is always ready to intervene in case of fire during the helicopter’s landing.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Fatima is a young woman escaping from Ivory Coast. She is nine months pregnant and she broke waters during rescue operations. A Navy helicopter will urgently carry her to a Sicilian hospital.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Fatima is a young woman escaping from Ivory Coast. She is nine months pregnant and she broke waters during rescue operations. A Navy helicopter will urgently carry her to a Sicilian hospital.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Kwadou, 3 years old, comes from Senegal with his mother Aisha, who is seven months pregnant and affected by pre-eclampsia. The child and his mother are brought by an Italian Coast Guard helicopter to the nearest Sicilian hospital for an emergency hospitalization.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Some phases of the transshipment of 130 migrants from the Maltese cargo ship “Purkial” to the lifeboat of the Italian Coast Guard “Diciotti” ship. This occurred in the Libyan sea, in front of Misurata.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A sailor of the Italian Coast Guard picks up an African child in his arms to transfer it over into the ship.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Transfer phases of migrants from the merchant vessel Siem Barracuda.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A crew member of the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti” is holding a child to take him on board.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Fatimoh, 2 years old, Nigerian, being rescued, along with other 98 people, by the Italian Coast Guard, after 29 hours navigation in the Mediterranean Sea.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. This woman and her son have just been rescued and are waiting to be taken on board of the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Travelling at night before the transshipment of the migrants to the Doctors Without Borders NGO’s vessel, headed to Sicily.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. A ladder is lowered from the cargo that has just rescued 300 migrants in order to transship them to an Italian Coast Guard lifeboat.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. It is 3 a.m.: the men of the Italian Coast Guard ship “Diciotti” try to recover their strength.
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Migrants are thankful to the Italian Coast Guard after they have been rescued in the Mediterranean waters at 25 miles from Sabrata (Libya).
Mediterranean Sea, Italy 2017. Portrait of the rescue swimmer. Because of the increase in landings the Italian Coast Guard had to create a new professional capacity, to recover migrants dispersed in water.