Luca Catalano Gonzaga


Platform number 5

Lviv, Ukraine - 2022

Our land our nature

Tanzania - 2021

Protein drying

Senegal - 2020

Bloody batteries

Kolwezi, DR Congo - 2019

The ugly face of beauty

Jharkhand, India - 2018

The nuclear grave of India

Jharkhand, India - 2018

Life in the furnace

Bhaktapur, Nepal - 2018

iWITNESS in the world

Worldwide - 2010/2018

The story of Alex

Valbrona, Italy - 2015/2018

Passion et Puissance

Kiev, Ukraine - 2017

South Sudan: strength in fragility

Juba, South Sudan - 2017

Drops in the Mediterranean Sea

Mediterranean Sea - 2017

Under the weight of bricks

Mazar-i Sharif, Afghanistan - 2016

Kissing the relic

Caracava - 2016

The “Angels of the sky”

Catania, Italy - 2016

Portrait of a generation at war

Damascus, Syria - 2016

Life under the rubble

Damascus, Syria - 2016

Burns and war-related traumas

Nasiriyah, Iraq - 2016

Restoring smiles

Nasiriyah, Iraq - 2016

The endless war

Mazar-i Sharif, Afghanistan - 2016

Immigrant clergy

Rome, Italy - 2015

The Devil's gold

Kawah Ijen volcano, Indonesia - 2014

Artisanal gold mining

Borneo, Indonesia - 2014

The night before

Rome, Italy - 2014

The forgotten Batwa

Kigali, Rwanda - 2014

An afternoon at the races

Quiroga, Ecuador - 2014

Thriving mosquitoes

Chirindu, Zambia - 2014

On the road with HIV

Chirindu, Zambia - 2014

Mapuche, people of the land

Temuco, Chile - 2013

Montagnards, sons of the mountains

Kon Tum, Vietnam - 2013

Haratin, the mask of modern slavery

Nouakchott, Mauritania - 2013

Besieged by the Gobi

Gobi desert, Mongolia - 2012

The hidden focus

Dadaab, Kenya - 2012

Environmental Refugees

Dadaab, Kenya - 2012

Myanmar: time for souvenir photos

Yangon, Myanmar - 2012

Glacial lake outburst flood

Tsho Rolpa glacial lake, Nepal - 2011

Brick by brick

Bangladesh - 2011

Blown away

Dhule, India - 2011

Coastal flooding in Bengal Bay

Bengal Bay, Bangladesh - 2010

Life in the slum of Dhaka

Dhaka, Bangladesh - 2010

Wat Phra Bat Nam Pu Temple

Lopburi, Thailandia - 2010

Gold fever

Bani, Burkina Faso - 2010

The shifting sands of the Sahel

Sahel, Burkina Faso - 2010

The Island of forgotten women

Mongla, Bangladesh - 2010

Nepal: portraits of children

Pokhara, Nepal - 2009

Land grabbing in Cambodia

Siem Reap, Cambodia - 2009

Welcome in the new world

Turin, Italy - 2009

Pradal serey

Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2009

Mine Detection Dogs

Phnom Penh, Cambodia - 2009

Worldless children

Katmandu, Nepal - 2009