
The Austrian confectioner behind HM-Chocolate has a love for the authentic, and the courage to do things differently. Johann Georg Hochleitner is fascinated with the cosmos and cacao – he is responsible for some of the most exciting chocolate innovations in recent years.

For HM-Chocolate, health and happiness are an inseparable pair: the latest discoveries in nutritional physiology are integrated into our development process.

HM-Chocolate is an organisation that is devoted to social responsibility and committed to the bettering of the world community.

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Witness Image is a non profit organization founded by Luca Catalano Gonzaga, which combines photography and journalism.

Its’ purpose is to narrate the great transformations of our time through a number of projects.


Witness Image aims to document the world disorder of our day through images and their stories such as: the causes and consequences of the war, child abuse, hunger, poverty, injustices, natural and environmental disasters.


Witness Image wants to build a reflection on the right of people to remain themselves in this era of great political and socio-cultural changes.

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