Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Latest news

Shots from the Festival of Ethical Photography: 15 years of iconic images

Shots from the Festival of Ethical Photography: 15 years of iconic images

A new long-term project is launched, focusing on wildlife and communities, both threatened to their survival

A new long-term project is launched, focusing on wildlife and communities, both...

CLOSER – Inside the Reportage, Photojournalism Photography Festival

CLOSER – Inside the Reportage, Photojournalism Photography Festival

Publication “The technology fighting poachers” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

“The technology fighting poachers” story, by Luca Catalano...

Publication “No so sweet” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

“No so Sweet” story, by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Calendar 2024 by Amani

The calendar features thirteen shots by photojournalist Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Visa pour l'Image Photojournalism Festival

Luca Catalano Gonzaga at Visa pour l’Image

Photography workshop in San Pagrignano

Luca Catalano Gonzaga as a guest at the San Patrignano Community

Film inspired by the reportage of Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Bhaktapur: A Human Story by Nicola Bozzo

Publication on "Africa" Italian magazine

Cover and inside article “Abuse in the Palm Oil Industry” by Luca Catalano...

Exhibition "Women's cry"

Exhibition “Women’s cry” St. Peter’s Square (Vatican...

“Land for sugarcane” story by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Publication on "Africa" Italian magazine

Gonzaga Real Estate is born

The Gonzaga Real Estate, founded by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

“The ugly face of beauty” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

"The ugly face of beauty" on "The Australian" newspaper

Luca Catalano Gonzaga photos on “Luoghi dell’Infinito”, Italian magazine...

"Luoghi dell'Infinito" Italian magazine of "Avvenire" newspaper

Cover “Altreconomia” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Cover publication on "Altreconomia" Italian magazine

The technology fighting poachers

Interview with Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Article “Ocean grabbing”, by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Pubblication on "Africa" Italian magazine

Sustainable ESG for Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

Dialogues on Africa

Speech conference by Luca Catalano Gonzaga, on the "Ocean grabbing" theme.

Luca Catalano Gonzaga photos on “Luoghi dell’Infinito”, Italian magazine...

"Luoghi dell'Infinito" Italian magazine of Avvenire newspaper

Luca Catalano Gonzaga testimonial on climate change and sustainability in...

Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione and LUISS Business School for sustainability

Exhibition “Ocean Grabbing”

9^ Festival Fotografico Europeo

Exhibition and Auction Sale of photographs

9^ Festival Fotografico Europeo

Photo Academy Young 2021

9^ Festival Fotografico Europeo

Luca Catalano Gonzaga photos on “Luoghi dell’Infinito”, Italian...

“Luoghi dell'Infinito”, Italian magazine of “Avvenire”

Luca Catalano Gonzaga photos on “Luoghi dell’Infinito”, Italian...

“Luoghi dell'Infinito”, Italian magazine of “Avvenire” newspaper.

Luca Catalano Gonzaga and the video social campaign “Fragments of light&...

"Fragments of light" by "Bambino Gesù Onlus" Foundation

Latest Medjugorje Message, May 25, 2019

The monthly apparition of Our Lady

Synergy between Witness Image and the communication agency “Made in...

Partnership between Witness Image and "Made in Tomorrow"

Photographic workshop at European Photo Festival

Witness Image Masterclass with Luca Catalano Gonzaga

“The ugly face of beauty” at the 2019 European Photo Festival

Exhibition by Luca Catalano Gonzaga at the European Photo Festival

Witness Image and the “Bambino Gesù” Foundation

New social campaign “Bambino Gesù” Foundation

The exhibit “Haratin, the mask of the modern slavery” by Luca...

The exhibit "Haratin, the mask of the modern slavery"

“Child survival in a changing climate” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on Luoghi...

“Child survival in a changing climate” on Luoghi dell'Infinito, Italian magazine

opening day exhibition iWITNESS in Barcelona

0pening day iWITNESS in Barcelona

iWITNESS exhibition in Barcelona

iWITNESS exhibition by Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Luca Catalano Gonzaga conference at “Circolo Fotografico Tina Modotti&...

"Child survival in a changing climate" conference at "Circolo Fotografico Tina Modotti"

“Haratin, the mask of modern slavery” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga,...

"Haratin, the mask of modern slavery" on “The New York Review” newspaper

“Sea gives sea takes” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on Internazionale, Italian...

"Sea gives sea takes" on Internazionale, Italian magazine

Witness Image Masterclass with Luca Catalano Gonzaga

Masterclass Mazara del Vallo (Sicily)

Pluriannual Grant new photographic project “Of Land and Time”.

Pluriannual grant from The Nando and Elsa Peretti foundation

Exhibition “Sea gives, sea takes” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga at “...

"Marenostrum" International Festival of Mediterranean Photography

New restyling of Luca Catalano Gonzaga’s website

Restyling of Luca Catalano Gonzaga’s website

The reportage “Kissing the relic” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on “Luoghi...

"Kissing the relic" on "Luoghi dell'Infinito", Italian magazine

The story “Iraq: restoring smiles” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga,...

"Iraq: restoring smiles" on Spiegel online, Germany

The photographic reportage “The devil’s gold” by Luca...

The "Devil's gold" on National Geographic Turkey

The project “Sea gives sea takes” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on Stern,...

The project "Sea gives sea takes" on Stern, German magazine

The “Story of Alex” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on Internazionale,...

The "Story of Alex" on Internazionale, Italian magazine

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner NPPA’s Quarterly Picture Editing Contest USA

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner NPPA's Picture Editing Contest USA

Witness Image at Festival TrapanInPhoto

Witness Image at TrapanInPhoto Festival

The “Hidden focus” by Luca catalano Gonzaga on Geneva International...

The "Hidden focus" on Geneva International website

The project “A shameless life” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on Days...

The project "A shameless life" on Days Japan magazine

The photographic reportage “Immigrant clergy” by Luca Catalano...

"Immigrant clergy" on "Il Venerdi di Repubblica" Italian magazine

“Rwanda, i volti delle mille colline” exhibition by Luca Catalano...

"Rwanda, i volti delle mille colline" exhibition at "Ducrot space" in Rome

The photographic reportage “The devil’s gold” by Luca...

The "Devil's gold" on Proof National Geographic USA

“Child labour” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on exhibition at “...

"Child labour" on exhibition at "European photo festival"

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner the “Kontinent Photography Awards 2015”

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner the "Kontinent Photography Awards 2015"

Photography exhibition “Invisible people” by photographer Luca...

Exhibition "Invisible people" project at Brussels

Luca Catalano Gonzaga finalist of the “Environmental photographer of the...

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner the "Environmental photographer of the year 2015"

“Glacial lake outburst flood” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on exhibition...

Exhibition "Glacial lake outburst flood" at Helvetia Group in Milan

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner the Black and White Spider Award

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner the "Black and White Spider Award"

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner “Golden camera award 2015”

Luca Catalano Gonzaga winner "Golden camera award"

Witness Image photos at the Pavilion of the Holy See at Milan Expo 2015

Witness Image at the Pavilion of the Holy See Expo 2015

The “Invisible people” project by Luca Catalano Gonzaga at European...

Conference Luca Catalano Gonzaga at European Parliament

“Besieged by the Gobi” by Luca Catalano Gonzaga on exhibition at...

Exhibition "Besieged by the Gobi" at Helvetia Group in Milan

Luca Catalano Gonzaga at the “International festival of photography...

International festival of photography photovisa", Krasnodar, Russia.